Membrane's Gate

Decentralized Stability
for Interchain Finance.

Membrane Protocol enables the creation of $CDT, a floating-peg stablecoin formed by asset bundles.

Dynamically homeostatic. Resilient. Decentralized.

Symbiotic with connected digital economies.


Protocol Overview

Navigate the Future.

A Guide to Membrane's Core Features

Asset Bundles

Combine many assets into a single position, using them as collateral to reduce risk, hedge against volatility, or increase leverage.

Advanced Liquidations

Three layers of liquidation exist, from single asset auctions, to omniasset pools, to an automated protocol swap on Osmosis.

Composable Design

Membrane Asset Bundles are designed to be used as a core building block for other DeFi vaults, such as Leveraged Yield Farming or Delta Neutral Strategies.

Decentralized Community

All community members can shape the Membrane Protocol by creating proposals, voting on new actions, or creating other contributions to the wider community.

Cdt icon


CDT: Collateralized Debt Token.

Optimized for DeFi and DEX users within the Interchain.


Asset-backed stablecoin.


Flexible minting framework that uses ‘bundles' of collateral assets.


The protocol's liquidation engine ensures stability & collateral preservation.


Antifragile, self-healing, and decentralized design.


$MBRN for voting within the decentralized community.

DEX's where you can Trade $MBRN and $CDT:



Decentralized Stability for Interchain Finance.

The problem with flat money is its extreme centralization, which creates a grotesque power imbalance in society. A decentralized economy needs decentralized money.

With blockchains, smart contracts, and protocols, we can pick up the lost thread of decentralized collateral-backed money that nation-states strayed away from due to redeemability & scale frictions.

Membrane was forged in the depths of the Cosmos ecosystem, the first decentralized stablecoin crafted specifically to serve the emergent nature of DeFi in the wider Interchain community.

The protocol is an umbrella for a community of contributors, DeFi users, and digital asset owners who share the goal of achieving decentralized money that scales without losing its decentralization or stability.


Questions? Look here.

There are a number of collateral types listed when minting $CDT, how are new collateral types added?

New collateral types are added via community Governance.

When making an Asset Bundle, is there a limit to how many collateral types i can add?

No, as long as the assets have been listed by governance and the amount you wish to add is below the asset supply cap, they can be added.

How are Asset Bundle parameters calculated?

Parameters are taken from collateral assets individually and then used proportionally to calculate a bundle's parameters. Ex: If you have 2 assets at 50%, one with a 50% max LTV & one with a 60% max LTV, your vault's max LTV will be 55%.

How do supply/debt caps affect my position?

Caps are used to calculate interest rates, if the cap is broken the rates will increase multiplicatively. Withdrawals aren't blocked by supply cap increases but deposits that cause overages will be.

If collateral value drops, how do liquidations of collateral within the bundle work to ensure full backing of the peg?

Collateral within bundles is liquidated at its proportion of the bundle, eg, 10% USDC 90% $OSMO bundle will use 10% $USDC & 90% $OSMO in liquidations to recapitalize. If the value of just one collateral type cascades, the unaffected collateral type plays an increasing role in each subsequent liquidation.

Do the liquidation pools have lockup periods?

The single asset pools don't, the omni-asset pool has a 1 day unstaking period.

Do I need to activate my liquidation bids?


What is the flow of liquidated assets since there are 2 different pool types?

The single asset pools is the first filter, getting first dibs on all assets, while the omni-asset pool gets the remaining based on premium & available TVL of the inital filter.

Are both pools first in first out (FIFO)?

Only the omni-asset pool is FIFO, so being first is valuable. The single asset pools are pro-rata so the liquidated assets are distributed based on your share of the pool.

Does every collateral asset have a single asset pool?


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